How your business can emerge post COVID-19 stronger than ever…

With the serious situation that is unfolding around the events of COVID-19, we want to be sensitive to what’s happened but also carefully protect the livelihood of our wonderful team and community businesses.

For our small business, that means making sure we continue to guide your decisions and enhance your web and social media offering.

There is no time like the present to think about website improvements, adding an online portal or CRM, launching your business on social media + so much more.

Scroll down for more information on our top 5 tips:

1. Update your website
2. Improve your marketing materials
3. Plan for new services and build a strategy to trade out of this
4. Streamline processes
5. Make your presence known

The Global Financial Crisis, European Sovereign Debt Crisis, Ebola, SARs, we’ve been through these types of downturns and pandemics before.

At the moment, you probably feel like the events around COVID-19 are playing out at high speeds and the direction keeps changing. There is much uncertainty and angst in the air but THERE IS LIGHT AT THE END OF THE TUNNEL.

We know, (like in the case of the other economic downturns and pandemics named above and so many more), the economic impact and government restrictions of COVID-19 will pass.

When this passes and our lives return to a new normal, we want you to be ready and as ready as ever before!

As you know Web Bird Digital specialises in helping businesses tailor their websites to the requirements of their unique needs and vision. From lead-generation to affirming credibility, eCommerce to custom web-based applications – we ensure that your website is achieving its purpose and stands out in the process.

Our team know it’s very rare to be given an opportunity like this to stop for a moment and rework plans for the future. We, like many other businesses and organisations, have been given the opportunity to set ourselves a part and better ourselves for the future.

This is your chance to come out of this stronger.

Here are some ways you can improve your business during this pandemic:

1. Update your website

Currently, your website is essentially your storefront. We know during all the busyness, hustle and bustle, crazy days and general running of your business, its often difficult and time-consuming to update images, enhance information and perhaps even design and work on a website refresh.

Customers cannot visit you in person, they cannot use your facilities or enjoy time in your spaces. Your website is now responsible for giving the first impression of your business.

This is your chance to make sure its a good one, especially so that post COVID-19, your business is on everybody’s list.

2. Improve your marketing materials

Strong marketing material will help you convert new customers more easily. If your brochures, business cards, flyers, email updates, etc are looking stale, now is a great time to fix them.

There’s also so much opportunity right now to tap into your databases and communicate with your customers via email. This type of marketing can always be improved and streamlined to adapt to challenging times like this.

3. Plan for new services and build a strategy to trade out of this

Get ready to reposition yourself in your local community. Individuals are now adapting to accessing many services online.

Is there a way for you to transform your service offering so it can be accessed online once this is over too? Is it time to build an online store? Stream webinars or classes online?

This can all help you during the shutdown period, but it means you will have more services to offer post COVID-19. Win/Win.

4. Streamline processes

We’re certain theres a bunch of things you know you could be doing better but don’t have the time to arrange to do things more efficiently. There’s also seemingly a lack of time to stop and assess our processes and improve moving forward.

With ample time on everyone’s hands, there’s no time like the present to improve your customer management, team productivity, customer relationships, communication and more.

There are many services and streamline capabilities that can be set up through your website for both your customers and employees to ensure efficiency during and post COVID-19.

5. Make your presence known

Not all businesses will make it through. These businesses will be your competitors and if you carefully advertise for them, they can become your customers post COVID-19.

Many businesses have simply turned off the lights and are hoping for the best. This means less competition out there in front of potential customerss to get your message across.

Social media is a powerful tool, especially in times like this. In fact, Facebook and Instagram have seen a 40% increase in usage.

This is the time to communicate. Social media is very powerful in keeping in touch with your customers, sharing in their suffering, updating them on your progress and status, listening to their needs and just generally staying in the scene.

Views on Facebook and Instagram live have essentially doubled in a single week as more and more businesses tap into the live capabilities of the programs to connect with their customers and potential customers.

You simply cannot afford to stop marketing especially because your customers are spending more and more time online.

Have you thought about hosting a weekly hangout via the internet? Perhaps offering a live stream fitness class for the community to follow along at home in their living room? Hiring out your equipment? Connecting customers with health professionals or other local businesses via email?

The opportunity is endless and it is time to essentially innovate or die.

Web Bird Digital are here for you.

Our team are experts in developing the solutions you need to stay ahead in these challenging times and preparing you for life and business post COVID-19.

The Web Bird Digital skill-set is multifaceted and our knowledge and expertise is critical in times like this.

Get in touch with Web Bird Digital, and we’ll explore how we can help you stay ahead and come out the other end a more comprehensive and efficient business.